Childcare Training Institute

STARS Approved Classes

Welcome to Blueprints for Learning’s Child Care Training Institute. The Training Institute has provided engaging and meaningful professional development for Spokane’s early care and education community since 2002. Our classes are supported by our full-day, year-round childcare program which serves as a model for best practices in early childhood care and education.

Facilitated by Washington State approved trainers, our classes are eligible for STARS hours. Our STARS courses are directed towards those who want to or are currently working as child care teachers and administrators. We offer the 30 Hour Childcare Basics Class, in person, as well as wide-array of classes designed to help early educators continue to learn and grow as professionals. Our courses offer early educators a deeper understanding of the Washington State Early Lerning Standards and opportunities to put these standards into practice.

childcare BAsics

NEW Classes Coming Soon!

Immersion in the Creative Process

NEW Classes Coming Soon!

Social & Emotional Support Series

NEW Classes Coming Soon!